To report a missing item or a damaged product, please contact our customer service team by phone or email. We will need your order number, a description of the missing item or the damage, and a photo, if possible.
We will make every effort to resolve the issue as quickly as possible and to your complete satisfaction. If a replacement product is needed, we will arrange for shipment of the replacement item as soon as possible.
If you have any concerns or questions about your order, please contact us at [888-908-3056]. Our team will be happy to assist you and find a solution that works best for you.
The product must be returned in brand new, resalable condition with the original packing and container, which includes all manuals and materials. The cost of returning the merchandise is at your own expense and all returns must be insured with a signature required for proof of receipt of delivery.
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Local since 1965 to one of the worlds largest providers of vacuums and specialty appliances. As a factory warranty center direct store we work hand in hand with top manufacturers and carry a wide range of top-quality products from the best brands,