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Here are the top units bought by educated consumers over the last year
Bare floors, carpets, oriental rugs, tile, cement, marble surfaces. Watch videos, read reviews, and even use our vacuum finder with advanced questions designed to find your last best vacuum ever! Hear from the pros and what they use in their homes.
We are a third-generation family-owned business, committed to providing our customers with the best educational, shopping, and repair experience. At Imperial Home Appliances, we carry a wide range of top-quality vacuums and appliances from the best brands. We also offer a wide selection of vacuum parts, bags, filters, and belts. We offer repair, warranty, and maintenance on the products we handle.
1000’s of hours put into this quick answer to your problems.
*Note: Using Generic parts voids warranties. Use Original products
Local since 1965 to one of the worlds largest providers of vacuums and specialty appliances. As a factory warranty center direct store we work hand in hand with top manufacturers and carry a wide range of top-quality products from the best brands,